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Rogum conference cables

Participation of Rogum Kable Sp. z o.o.: as a lecturer on "Specialist cables - new technological solutions based on the example of mining cables used in ports" - in the Conference in the Gdansk Business Incubator about the future development of maritime economy in our region.

The conference was held under the chairmanship of the Council for the Intelligent Specialisation of Pomerania in the area of offshore and port and logistics technology and was mastered by experts with extensive experience in the industry and start-ups with their innovative solutions

It was the first largest conference in Pomerania on topics related to the development of modern maritime technologies and the logistics industry. An important voice in the discussion was the speech of Professor Binyamin Mantin from Luxembourg, who, based on examples from European and American ports, discussed the obstacles that the maritime industry could encounter. He also stressed the importance of intermodal transport. Polish participants in the meeting were also very interested in the possibilities of deepening Polish-Luxembourg economic contacts.

The topics related to energy management solutions in ports or vehicle traffic control system and the applications we presented on "Specialist cables - new technological solutions based on the example of mining cables with application in ports" aroused great interest of over 80 foreign and Polish guests - a lecture led by Paweł Zaremba - our company's technologist.



